Legal Disclaimers
Our legal disclaimers provide general explanations and information about the terms and conditions on this website. It is important to note that the information provided here is not a substitute for legal advice. We strongly advise seeking legal counsel to understand and create your own terms and conditions tailored to your specific requirements.
Understanding Terms & Conditions
Terms and Conditions (T&C) are legally binding terms defined by us, the owners of this political campaign website. These T&C establish the legal boundaries governing the activities of the website visitors and supporters. They are meant to define the legal relationship between the visitors and us as the website owners. T&C are customized according to the specific nature of our website, aiming to protect both the visitors and our campaign.
What's Included in Our T&C Document
Our T&C cover a range of important issues, including who is allowed to engage with our website, donation methods, our rights to modify offerings, warranties provided, intellectual property, and the right to suspend or cancel supporter accounts. To delve deeper into this topic, refer to our guide on 'Creating a Terms and Conditions Policy' tailored for political campaigns.